Preferences - Transcript
Man: I’m glad we were able to find a time to get together. It’s been ages.
Woman: It has. So Mark, do you prefer coffee or tea?
Man: I definitely prefer tea. I stopped drinking coffee years ago. How about you?
Woman: I’m more of a coffee person myself. Do you like it with sugar or without?
Man: I like my tea without sugar, just plain. By the way, have you seen the new Dean Kane movie?
Woman: No, but I read the book. It was fantastic!
Man: Do you prefer watching movies, or reading books?
Woman: I enjoy both, but if I have to choose, I prefer reading books. How about you?
Man: I’m more into movies. But maybe I should try reading. Can I borrow that Dean Kane book?
Woman: Sure. I think you’re going to love it.
How to talk about preferences in English

Expressing preferences is a common and essential aspect of communication in English. Whether you’re discussing food, activities, or personal choices, being able to articulate your preferences helps you connect with others. In this guide, we’ll explore various ways to express your likes and dislikes in English.
Asking About Preferences
Initiating a conversation about preferences often involves simple and polite questions. Common phrases to ask about preferences include:
“What do you prefer?”
“Do you like…?”
“Which one do you like more?”
Responding to Questions
When responding, it’s crucial to use clear and concise language. Common expressions to communicate preferences include:
“I prefer…”
“I like…”
“I enjoy…”
“I’m a fan of…”
“I would rather…”
Using Comparatives
Comparatives are useful when expressing a preference between two or more options. Key comparative words and phrases include:
“I like pizza, but I prefer pasta.”
“I think chocolate is better than vanilla ice cream.”
“In my opinion, hiking is more enjoyable than cycling.”
Talking About Favorites
Expressing your favorite things allows you to share personal tastes and interests. Use phrases like:
– “My favorite food is…”
– “I really enjoy…”
– “I’m a big fan of…”
– “One of my favorite activities is…”

Expressing Degrees of Preference
To convey the strength of your preference, consider using intensifiers like:
– “I absolutely love…”
– “I really like…”
– “I somewhat prefer…”
– “I don’t mind…”
– “I don’t particularly care for…”
Describing Neutral Feelings
If you don’t have a strong preference, or if you want to express neutrality, you can say:
“I’m indifferent.”
“I don’t have a strong preference.”
“It doesn’t matter to me.”
Mastering the art of expressing preferences in English enhances your ability to engage in meaningful conversations. Whether discussing favorite foods, hobbies, or leisure activities, these expressions will help you navigate discussions and connect with others on a personal level. Practice using them in various contexts to become more confident and fluent in expressing your likes and dislikes.