
Boxing Day (Intermediate – B1)
Boxing Day is celebrated on December 26th, the day after Christmas. It originated in the United Kingdom and spread to various countries…

Christmas Wishes (Intermediate – B1)
In this free English lesson for intermediate-level learners, we hear about someone’s Christmas wishes. Try the lesson!

Ukrainian Christmas (Intermediate – B1)
or many years, the people of Ukraine celebrated Christmas Day on January 7th. In 2023, however, this changed, and Ukrainians began to follow…

Come Down With The Flu (Intermediate – B1)
In this free English lesson for intermediate-level learners, we hear someone coming down with the flu. Try the lesson!

If I Won the Lottery (Intermediate – B1)
In this free English lesson for intermediate-level language learners, we learn how people would spend their lottery winnings.

Cold Water Swimming (Intermediate – B2)
Cold water swimming is a growing trend that’s gaining popularity around the world. It involves taking a dip in natural water bodies…

Halloween Party (Intermediate – B1)
In this free English lesson for intermediate-level language learners, we hear two people talking about a Halloween party. Try the lesson!

Trick-or-Treat (Intermediate – B1)
Trick-or-treating is a Halloween custom for children and adults in some countries. On the evening of October 31st, children in costumes…

I Need A Job! (Intermediate – B1)
In this free English lesson for intermediate-level language learners, we hear a man describing his problem to a friend. Try the lesson!

It’s Been Ages (Intermediate – B1)
In this free English lesson for intermediate-level language learners, we learn how to greet someone you haven’t seen for a long time. Try the lesson!
素晴らしい始め方の一つは、オンラインの英語クラスです。多くのウェブサイトが、中級の学生向けに無料の英語クラスを提供しています。その中には、Coursera や USA Learns などがあります。これらのクラスでは通常、文法や語彙に焦点を当てており、既存の英語の勉強を補完する素晴らしい手段となります。もちろん、Base English で利用可能な多くの無料の中級者向けオンラインレッスンも活用できます。
中級学習者向けのもう一つの素晴らしいリソースは、英語のポッドキャストです。ポッドキャストは聴力と理解力を練習する便利な方法であり、特に中級学習者向けに設計された多くの無料ポッドキャストが利用可能です。いくつかの人気のある選択肢には、「Coffee Break English」や「English as a Second Language Podcast」があります。
Reading in English is also important for improving your language skills. One way to do this is by reading English news articles and books. While it’s not always possible to find free books, there are many free news articles available online from reputable sources such as CNN, BBC, and others. Reading news articles can help you improve your vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension.