
I Need A Job! (Intermediate – B1)

I Need A Job! - Transcript

Man: My car broke down this morning!
Woman: Oh no! That’s terrible.
Man: The worst thing is, I don’t have any money to fix it?
Woman: So what are you going to do? You need that car.
Man: I guess I’m going to have to get a job.
Woman: That’s a good idea. Actually, there’s an opening at the place I work. Can you wash dishes?
Man: I guess so. How much does it pay?
Woman: It’s seven fifty an hour.
Man: I’m going to have to wash a lot of dishes to fix that car.

Expressing Yourself: Mastering Problem Talk in English

Are you an English language learner looking to improve your communication skills? To become a good communicator, you must learn to deal with a wide variety of situations. One of these situations, which you may not have considered, is how to talk about your problems and how to respond to the problems of others. Expressing your problems is not only about finding the right words; it’s about connecting with others effectively. Here are some tips to help you talk about your problems in English confidently.

Build Your Vocabulary

Take some time to improve your vocabulary with words related to emotions, issues, and solutions. Begin by writing the words in sentences. Next, read them aloud.  Finally, practice speaking them without looking at the sentences.

Master Common Phrases

Learn and practice common phrases used when discussing problems, such as “I feel,” “I’m struggling with,” or “I need advice on.” These phrases can serve as helpful starters for expressing your thoughts and feelings.

Practice Active Listening

Effective communication with others requires listening as well as speaking. It’s important to practice expressing your problems, but it is also important to learn how to listen and respond to the problems of others. 

Active listening requires more than just hearing the words of the other person. It involves trying to understand the feelings behind the person’s words. This can be very difficult to do when speaking another language, but it is an important skill to develop. 

Ask for Feedback

Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from native speakers or language partners. Feedback can help you to identify areas for improvement and guide you towards more effective communication.

Learn the Local Culture

Understand the culture of discussing problems is essential for effective communication. Some cultures share problems freely. Others might consider talking about problems a form of complaining.  Different cultures will have different ways of expressing concerns, so familiarize yourself with these to communicate more effectively.

Create Dialogues

Role-play is a great method for developing your skills before you have a conversation. This type of practice will help you to recognize the words and phrases that signal someone is preparing to discuss a problem. This will give you time to react with the appropriate responses. In many situations, your main focus will be on listening and responding in a way that lets the other person know you understand their feelings. Making dialogues helps you become more comfortable with the language and prepares you for real-life conversations.

Don’t Worry About Making Mistakes

Mistake are unavoidable, especially when you are learning a new language. Do not fear them. For some people, fear of making mistakes prevents them from saying anything at all. When someone is talking about their problems, this could make them feel like you are not listening. Even if your communication isn’t perfect, you can still make your conversation partner understand that you are listening and that you care. 


Remember, learning to talk about your problems in English takes a lot of effort. At times you will struggle to express yourself, but don’t give up. Pay attention to where your communication faltered, and ask for help from someone with more experience speaking English.

Practice regularly, be open to feedback, and take note of your progress. As you gain confidence, you’ll find that expressing yourself in English becomes easier and easier.

Have you ever had a problem that you wanted to express in English, but couldn’t? How did you overcome the situation. Write about it in the comments.






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