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SDG 5 (Beginner – A2)

Gender Quality ~ SDG 5 – Transcript

Did you know that women earn 10 to 30 percent less than men for the same work? Pay inequality is just one example of how men and women are treated differently. Sustainable Development Goal 5 is to achieve gender equality. This means that men and women should have the same rights and responsibilities.
In many parts of the world, girls are not able to go to school. They must stay home and help their families by getting water, cooking, and cleaning. They often marry at a young age with men who are much older. There are few opportunities for them to learn new skills.
Even in countries where women have a lot of freedom, there are still problems. Working women are often expected to do most of the cooking, cleaning and childcare. They also experience harassment at work and in society. Very few women work in the top positions in government and business. In the past, young women were also discouraged from studying subjects like science and engineering.
It will take a lot of work to create a world where men and women are equal, but it is a very important goal for all societies.

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