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SDG 15 (Beginner – A2)

SDG 15 – Transcript

Starlings are a type of bird that live in Indonesia. They have a beautiful song, and for generations people have kept them as pets. Indonesian people love the starlings and want them to survive, but there are now only a few of the birds left in the wild. This is because bird traders catch and sell the birds in local markets. Now they are in great danger.
It is not just starlings. There are thousands of animals in every part of the world that are in danger. That is why the United Nations made Sustainable Development Goal 15. This goal is about protecting plant and animal life on land. People depend on plants and animals. We cannot survive without them, so we must work hard to protect them.
What can we do to protect life on land? We can stop cutting down forests and destroying the places where animals live. We can stop illegal hunting and selling animal parts. We can make sure that companies clean up the environment so that both people and animals can live there.

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