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SDG 14 (Beginner – A2)

SDG 14 – Transcript

About 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. There are more creatures living in water than there are living on land. But these creatures are in danger because of changes to the oceans. Pollution and too much fishing have caused many fish, sharks and whales to disappear. Coral reefs are also dying as the oceans become warmer.

Sustainable Development Goal 14 is about protecting the life that lives in water. This is not an easy thing to do. The oceans are big, and they don’t belong to a single country. Who is responsible for preventing pollution and overfishing?

Most of the problems in the ocean begin on land. When people in cities don’t throw away their trash properly, it ends up in rivers. Rivers then carry the trash to the ocean. Factories on land create pollution that flows into the water, killing the creatures that live there. The best way for people to protect life in the ocean is to live more cleanly on land.

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