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Giant Squid (Beginner – A2)

Giant Squid – Transcript

Does anyone really know what creatures live in the deepest oceans? For many years, fishermen told stories of giant sea creatures. The creatures had long bodies and long arms. They looked like regular squid, but much bigger. The fishermen called them “giant squid”. Sometimes they would find squid arms that were 9 meters long. But they never found a living giant squid.
Until 2005, nobody had ever seen a giant squid that was alive. Only dead giant squids had been found. Researchers from Japan took the first pictures of a live giant squid. People were amazed. Female giant squids are about 13 meters long. Male squids are about 10 meters long.
It’s still very rare to see a live giant squid. Scientists think they spend most of their time in very deep water. They only come up to shallower water when they want to eat.

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