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Death Valley (Beginner – A2)

Death Valley – Transcript

Death Valley is a very hot and dry place. It is in Eastern California, in the northern Mojave Desert. During summer, it is one of the hottest places on Earth. On July 10, 1913, a temperature of 56.7 degrees Celsius was measured. It is the highest air temperature ever recorded on Earth.
Even though it is very hot and there is not a lot of rain, Death Valley has a lot of plants and animals. Every spring, there are flowers all over the ground. There are also wild sheep, donkeys, and many types of birds.
There are also over 600 springs and ponds. One of the ponds has a type of fish in it that is only found in Death Valley. Sometimes it rains in Death Valley. The rain melts salts that are under the soil. When this happens, it looks like there is snow in the valley.

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