
Bones (Intermediate – B1)

Bones – Transcript

What would happen if you took all the poles out of a tent? It would fall down, wouldn’t it? So what do you think would happen if you took all the bones out of your body? From our heads to our toes, bones are what support our bodies and give them their shape.
Bones protect the most important parts of our bodies. The skull protects the brain and eyes. The ribs protect the heart, lungs, liver, and spleen. Bones must be in good health to do their jobs properly.
Healthy bones are strong and light. Unhealthy bones are thin and easily broken. They also take longer to heal if they are damaged.
To keep our bones healthy, we need a lot of calcium. Calcium is a mineral that is found in foods such as milk, cheese and green vegetables. Calcium is what makes the bones hard and allows them to support our bodies.
There are 206 bones in the human body. Some of them are big and some of them are very small. The largest bone in your body is called the femur. This bone is found in your leg, between your hip and your knee. The smallest bones are found inside your ears. Small or large, all the bones in your body are very important.

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