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What did You Do Last Week End? - Inggris Tingkat Pemula A2

What did you do last weekend? - Transcript

Dominic: Hey Samantha.
Samantha: Hey Dominic. How’s it going?
Dominic: Not bad, but I’m a little tired. I had a crazy weekend.
Samantha: Really? What did you get up to?
Dominic: On Friday I worked until 2AM, and on Saturday morning I had two soccer matches.
Samantha: I bet you were exhausted. Were you able to relax after that?
Dominic: No. It was my grandma’s birthday on Saturday, so I drove across town for that. I helped cook and then cleaned up after the party.
Samantha: Please tell me you took a break on Sunday.
Dominic: Unfortunately not. I worked another shift from 9AM to 4PM.



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