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Stress Effects (Intermediate – B1)

Stress Effects - Transcript

Stress is a normal part of life. It can be good or bad, but it is important to remember that too much stress can be harmful.
When we are stressed, our bodies release chemicals. These chemicals help us deal with difficult situations by giving us extra energy. However, when the stress continues for a long time, these chemicals begin to have negative effects on our bodies and minds. For example, too much stress can make people feel tired and unable to concentrate. It can also cause headaches or stomach problems.
Stress is especially bad for students because it affects their ability to learn new things and do well on tests. Some studies have shown that 80% of students are stressed by their schoolwork.
There are two main types of stress: external and internal. External stress comes from outside your body (for example, being worried about an exam or having trouble with friends). Internal stress comes from inside your body (for example, feeling hungry or tired because you did not get enough sleep the night before).
The best way to get rid of stress is to deal with it quickly. If you know there will be an important test, start preparing early. If you have a problem with a friend, talk to them before the situation gets worse.

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