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SDG 4 (Beginner- A2)

Quality Education ~ SDG 4 – Transcript

Children who learn to read, write, and count have a better future than those who cannot do these things. One of the best ways to help people is to give them a chance to learn. SDG 4 is about giving every person in the world a chance to go to school to learn important skills.
One of the main targets of SDG 4 is to teach reading and math to every child in every country. To do this, many things are needed: teachers, schools, books, computers, and so on. In many places, children don’t have the basic things they need to study. That is why communities and countries must work together to build schools, train teachers, and buy books and other materials.
There are many things happening in the world that make it difficult for children to study and learn. Children who are very poor are more likely to leave school than those with money. Children in the countryside study less than children in cities because they often have to work. War also prevents children from studying, because they must leave their homes to go to a safe place.

SDG 4 - Video

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