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The Colosseum (Beginner – A2)

The Colosseum – Transcript

The Colosseum is a large structure in the city of Rome. It was built almost 2000 years ago by the Romans. It was 156 meters wide, 189 meters long and 57 meters tall. There is enough space inside the Colosseum for 50,000 people. It is the biggest stadium built by the Roman Empire.
The Colosseum was a very important part of Roman life. It was a place where all people could go to watch important events. There were plays and races in the Colosseum. There were also more cruel events. Prisoners were eaten by wild animals and gladiators fought and killed each other.
Later on, things changed. The Colosseum was damaged by several earthquakes. There were no more performances, and people began to use stones from the Colosseum to build their houses. These days the Colosseum is a popular tourist attraction. It is a symbol of the Roman Empire and people enjoy visiting and taking photographs.

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