
SDG 8 (Beginner – A2)

SDG 8 – Transcript

In 2012, there was a terrible fire at a clothes factory in Bangladesh. More than 100 people died and 200 others were injured. After the event, people started talking about the lives of factory workers. How long do they work each day? How much money are they paid? Is their work safe?
Sustainable Development Goal 8 is about making better jobs for all people. A good job should pay enough money for a person to live. A good job should be safe. But many jobs are not well-paid or safe. All around the world people are working in dangerous conditions for low pay. Many of these people are women and children.
Everybody likes to save money. Most people are happy when they can buy something cheaply. But goods are cheap because the people who make them aren’t being paid enough. Before we buy, we should think about where the goods come from. Did the person making them get paid properly? Study the issue yourself, and buy only from brands that protect their workers.

SDG 8 - Video

SDG 8 - Video Gap Fill

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